
MobileGR, 2018-03-08

EV Charging Stations

Electric charging stations where installed in 2011.

  • 5 downtown (1 on-street)
  • 1 in Oak Industrial Park
  • 1 at Waste Water site.

All stations have been upgraded; new stations have two cords and have retaining clips to help keep the cords off the ground which was an issue with the previous charging stations.

Voter Support Of the RAPID in 2017

RAPID Support By Precinct, 2017

This is a map of voter's support of RAPID funding in November 2017. Creation of this map was inspired by the "Transit Supporter Split" BLOG post. That post, at least proposed, that in the city of Portland [Oregon] that transit support had a conical shape: strongest downtown, tapering down as one moved out through the neighborhoods, and zeroing out into opposition when one reached the true suburbs. It raised the question of what support for the RAPID looks like in Grand Rapids.

MobileGR, 2017-12-14

The MobileGR commision has approved its meeting schedule for 2018. All meetings are at 50 Ottawa Ave. NW and occur at 8AM. Dates are:

Oct/Nov 2017, Many Documents

October and November (2017) have been active months. A collection of interesting documents have been created or brought into active conversation concerning both housing and mobility.

Paris & You

So, that happened. What to do now? This should always be the question asked in response to terrible public policy decisions. In this case the response is obvious. Consider the fact that the transportation systems alone of the United States produce more greenhouse gasses than any other economy in the world except for China. That is an astonishing data point.

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