
Planning Commission Agenda, 2024-09-12

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-08-22 is πŸ‘‰hereπŸ‘ˆ

1865 Eastern Ave SE

Planning Commission Agenda, 2024-08-22

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-08-22 is πŸ‘‰hereπŸ‘ˆ

Don't forget to participate in πŸ‘‰Mobile GR's current mobility surveyπŸ‘ˆ.

Planning Commission Agenda, 2024-08-08

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-08-08 is πŸ‘‰hereπŸ‘ˆ

1700 28th St & 2856 Kalamazoo Ave SE

This item was postponed to from the 2024-05-09 Planning Commission meeting and then tabled at the 2024-06-13 Planning Commission meeting. 5

CC/PC Special Meeting Regarding Master Plan Draft

On 2024-07-16 the City Commission and Planning Commission held a joint meeting to begin final review of the new Bridge To Our Future Master Plan. City Commissioners O'Connor (1st Ward) and Robbins (1st Ward) were absent. The format of the meeting is a presentation by the Planning Department and their consultants, followed by questions from City Commission and then the Planning Commission.

The Final(?) Master Plan Timeline Is Here

There will be a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Commission on July 16th at 11:30am - 1:30pm in the City Commission Chambers to discuss the adoption of the new Master Plan. The πŸ‘‰agenda item for this meetingπŸ‘ˆ contains the proposed adoption schedule.

Planning Commission Agenda, 2024-07-11

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-07-11 is πŸ‘‰hereπŸ‘ˆ

801 Michigan St NE

This is a Special Land Use (SLU) request to allow a recreational cannabis dispensary in an existing retail space at the intersection of Michigan St and Eastern Ave. No changes to the exterior of the building, other than signage, is planned.

Planning Commission Agenda, 2024-06-13

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-06-13 is πŸ‘‰hereπŸ‘ˆ

UPDATE 2024-06-09: Added elevations of the 616 Bridge St "Back Lot" project.

527 Leonard St NW


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